Thank you for visiting my blog. I wanted to create it so that all the people close to me can check in to see what happening in my treatment, and how I'm doing. This doesn't mean that I don't want to hear from you. Please feel free to call, email, text any time. But I apologize if I don't always get back to you. This new cancer journey of mine is a full time job, and I'm doing the best that I can. Please know that your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me...keep them coming! Thank you for all your help and support takes a community, and you have all given us that.
With love and gratitude,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm so happy to report that I've just seen my new oncologist today (who I really like, by the way), and my last scans showed that my tumours shrank a bit more. I am so encouraged by this news.

I feel like I've been doing so much research this past year, and still don't have many answers. I'm still trying to put my healing plan in place, and settle into a routine given this new knowledge. I have recently discovered a website that has become my main source of information and inspiration ... Kris Carr was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 8 years ago, which took her on a journey to discover how to heal herself through diet and lifestyle changes. She has basically done much of the work for me, and put it all in her new book, Crazy Sexy Diet (which I was reading until 1:30am this morning!!-way past my bedtime!). But she is also very inspiring and motivating, which helps me along. She's awesome...check her out if you have a chance.

I like to attribute at least some of my success to the changes I have made to my diet and my complementary therapies. At least it makes me feel like I have some control over my disease. I still have a lot of work to do to incorporate more yoga, visualization and meditation into my life - how do I find the time?! But I see myself healthy and present for a long time to come!!


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