Thank you for visiting my blog. I wanted to create it so that all the people close to me can check in to see what happening in my treatment, and how I'm doing. This doesn't mean that I don't want to hear from you. Please feel free to call, email, text any time. But I apologize if I don't always get back to you. This new cancer journey of mine is a full time job, and I'm doing the best that I can. Please know that your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me...keep them coming! Thank you for all your help and support takes a community, and you have all given us that.
With love and gratitude,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Ive been home from Germany for one week now. My last treatment there went well, and was a little easier to recover from than the first. There were no streaking incidents this time! My white blood cell count is low now from the chemo, and I'm waiting to do a CT soon, so I'm not getting any treatment for now. The Germany doctors want me on hormone treatment, but my doctor here won't give it to me if I'm still getting chemo. So things are still up in the air. Unfortunately, I also have to go tomorrow for another radiation treatment to my brain. And then I'd like to forget about it all for the holidays, and just enjoy the time with my family. I probably won't have much energy to execute all the usual Christmas activities, but we can still hang out and enjoy a few pajama days! Our time together is the most important thing after all. As a final note, I would like to say thank you to so many people that helped make things happen at home without me. This included all the driving, groceries, dinners, play dates, and putting out a few fires! Thank you to all our incredible friends and family. You helped make this trip possible, and gave me such comfort to know that things were taken care of.

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