Thank you for visiting my blog. I wanted to create it so that all the people close to me can check in to see what happening in my treatment, and how I'm doing. This doesn't mean that I don't want to hear from you. Please feel free to call, email, text any time. But I apologize if I don't always get back to you. This new cancer journey of mine is a full time job, and I'm doing the best that I can. Please know that your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me...keep them coming! Thank you for all your help and support takes a community, and you have all given us that.
With love and gratitude,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Monday I saw my doctor. It's good news...I am still responding well to the treatment. So she still wants to give me some more chemo. We'll do 2 more rounds, and then more scans to see. The idea is to get as much mileage out of this chemo as possible. It's hard not knowing the plan... I'm still working on going with the flow!!!
However, my infection hasn't gone away yet. I ended up having my port removed on Monday, which is's been a problem for three months! But I'm back on antibiotics, and I was back at the ER again, because it started bleeding. I hope it's on the mend now!!!!
My chemo was also delayed as a I'm now scheduled for July 2nd, and 25th. Sucks that it runs into our very short and precious summer, but what can I do?! I'm hoping to still get in some cottage visits in August.
The kids are home now, enjoying pyjama mornings, playdates and movies. So happy the summer's here!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's been a crappy week. I had to go to the ER again on Wednesday night...I have an infection in my port, so I've been on antibiotics, which took three days to kick in. I've been feeling tired, achy, frustrated, sad and emotional this week. Chemo is building up in my system and making me a wreck. I don't know how much more I can take. I had my latest CT on Thursday, and will see my doctor a week monday. Then I'll know what's next, if there's more chemo to come.
The worst part is that I missed a party tonight!

Zachary's birthday was on baby is 8! I can't believe it. Zoe had her choir show this week. She was soooo cute. Their last day of school is on Thursday. We are all looking forward to some down time, and no morning rush!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I had chemo # 6 yesterday...bloodwork was back to normal. I'm still feeling ok, and am planning to go out for dinner tonight with friends. Monday and Tuesday will probably be my worst days. I go for my next CT on the 10th. Unfortunately, that's also Zachary's birthday, so I'll miss having dinner with him, but will bring a cake home to celebrate. I am scheduled for round 7 on the 25th.

The kids finish school on the 17th. I can't believe how old they are time flies! We will enjoy 2 weeks off before they start camp for the month of July, and then we will just do a few small getaways to cottages, and maybe Boston in August. It's difficult to make too many plans without knowing what my treatment plans are, and it will be nice to just have some down time with the kids.

I wanted to also thank everyone again for all the help and support. Kara and Jane have been generously taking the kids home to play and for dinner on my treatment days, and this has been such a big help...thank you both. The whole Crestwood community has been so good to us, and it just makes me feel so good about our decision to go there. The kids and the families have been so warm and kind...Thank you all again...I can't express enough how much it has meant to all of us. We also have great neighbours that have done so much to help, always checking in. I especially look forward to my dog walks my friend...fresh air, exercise for Ollie and I, and the best of conversations! Thank you.
Also, family and friends have been taking me to chemo, and scans. This has been a big help for Mark, so he doesn't miss so much work, and it gives me time with others, and them an opportunity to see what I'm going through (good or bad!) Thank you everyone.

Have a great Weekend.