Round 5 was last Monday...I have to say that this round was not as bad as previous ones. I seem to be managing the side effects better now. I spent one day in bed, and I'm now getting my strength back. It's amazing what it does to my muscles-even brushing my teeth hurts my arm! Today I went for a short walk, and I still tire easily. But I hope to be back to tennis and yoga this week.
I've been experimenting with scarves lately...don't like wearing the wig all the time. This weekend I don't even have it-it's in the shop for service!!! Mark doesn't like the scarves at all, but I don't mind them. I like hats better, but I don't have the right one, especially now that it's getting warmer - yeah!!! I'll try to post a picture sometime.
I have been taking a course called "The Healing Journey". It's all about using the mind to feel better, handle the stress of a cancer diagnosis, take control and hopefully improve healing. I love the course, and meeting so many other people going through similar experiences. I have already been working with relaxation techniques, and find them very helpful. Now we're starting meditation. This is work for me! I believe that I have not handled stress well over the last few years, and that this probably contributed to my recurrence. So I think its going to be very important for me to find ways to slow down, relax, let things go more, and be in the moment. I have already noticed a difference in how I feel, and particularly how I deal with the kids day to day. The challenge will be to find the time to meditate daily, and to remain committed to it.
Mark and I are off to Florida on Friday. Can't wait to just relax, spend time together, and take in the heat!!!
I'm feeling kind of chatty tonight! There's one more thing I wanted to share with you...
Last month there was an article in Chatelaine Magazine that featured 3 women with breast cancer. Unfortunately, Leanne Coppen lost her fight against metastatic disease on April 27. A friend of mine told me about her incredible expression of her fight, pain and fears, and I had been following her for the last few months. Leanne said, "Every time I put something out there, it’s no longer residing in me alone, building tension and choking me with fear." And I can relate to this. My blog started as a way to keep family and friends informed of what was happening. But it has become a bit more therapy for me too. I find comfort knowing that so many of you are reading it, and supporting me. If you are interested, and have a chance to read her blog, there is a link on
Good night my friends.